Collection: Bonsai Tree Seeds

Bonsai Tree Seeds
Bonsai seeds are not special seeds of special plants.  They are basically normal tree seeds from trees that grow full size.  Bonsai tress are actually just small versions of regular trees and bushes kept small by constant pruning of roots and foliage then maintaining the tree in a small pot.  Many bonsai seeds are chosen because they are of dwarf or smaller than normal varieties of common trees, but many are just the standard variety. Success in growing each type of seed usually comes down to temperature, time, moisture and pathogen protection.  If any of these are not perfect, seeds will not germinate.

We grow thousands of seedlings each year, using the very same seeds we sell to you.  Our seeds are sourced from the most reputable commercial seed suppliers for optimal quality and freshness They are checked on a regular basis for quality and germination.  I always suggest germinating a small portion of the seeds you buy so you can find a germination method that works for you.  There are usually several ways to germinate each type of bonsai seed including using heat mats or growing naturally outdoors in appropriate weather.  You can treat the seeds for pathogens using different products and you can grow the trees together or in individua plugs or pots.