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ALP Bonsai Soil Boon Mix - 5mm Standard Size

ALP Bonsai Soil Boon Mix - 5mm Standard Size

Regular price $60.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $60.00 USD
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ALP is likely the most popular bonsai soil mix on earth.  ALP is also known as Boon Mix, 1:1:1 and Franks Mix.  A simple mix of 1/3 Japanese Akadama, 1/3 Black Lava and 1/3 Japanese Hyuga Pumice.  This mix is sieved free of dust and to the proper size for bonsai, 1/16" - 1/4".  The three parts of this mix work together to provide water and air to the roots.  Roots sitting in water logged soil will die over time and possibly kill the bonsai.

Our ALP mix is a great all purpose bonsai soil mix that is great for most sizes of tree.  Very small trees may benefit from a shohin specific ALP type soil.  

When switching soil types, you should closely monitor how fast the soil dries.

This soil is sold in 3 Gallon bags (12 Dry Quarts).  These are the same size as a standard bag of akadama from Japan.

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